The material in this letters bears definite resemblance to his messages in the book of acts. Peter encourages them with a vision of an incorruptible and undefiled inheritance that doesnt. The author was the apostle peter, whose name before he became a disciple, was simon. By so much, divine foreknowledge is closely related to foreordination. The material in this letter bears definite resemblance to his messages in the book of acts. I agree with john piper when he said, one of the unique things about ligonier is that you have a philosopher who is manifestly devoted to the bible. Yet the purpose of the two letters are quite different. Keep a notebook handy to jot down questions, ideas and applications. The letter teaches, for example, that christ is the. He was called by jesus to follow him at matthew matt. The statement of the duty of submission, 1 peter 2.
And hed caught a glimpse of the glory to follow 2 pe 1. To understand the real meaning of what peter is saying we must understand something. Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the unjust. In fairness to arnold, he does develop this motif in his discussion of 1 pet 2. This book includes a number of references to trials, harsh treatment, and suffering that recipients of this letter are experiencing 1. Historical illustration of divine judgment on the wicked, and care of the righteous 2 peter 2. It has no reference to christs death, suffering, resurrection and ascension. That the apostle peter is the author of 1 peter, however, is certain. The challenge from the example of christs suffering, 1 peter 2. Be done with all deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy, and all unkind speech. He was brought to jesus by andrew, his brother, and became one of the leaders of the apostles, both before and after christs death. A froward master, then, is one with a warped nature, who is unreasonably exacting. Some scholars have pointed out that there are as many similarities in vocabulary between 1 and 2 peter as there are between 1 timothy and titus, two letters almost universally believed to have been written by paul. Peter wanted to put a healthy fear of god in the hearts of all who have ears to hear.
Coincidences in thought and expression with pauls writings are therefore not surprising. The order of the words in the greek is the same as in 1 peter 1. The duty of submission in household relations, 1 peter 2. Visit our library of inductive bible studies for more in depth inductive studies on this and other books of the bible you can use in your small group.
But sometimes her husband may tell her to do something that is a sin. Commentary on 1 peter bible study notes and comments by david e. Paul writes urge bondslaves to be subject to their own masters despotes in. If you continue to read the book it talks about not rendering evil for evil. Cry out for this nourishment, 3 now that you have had a taste of the lords kindness. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, read verse in new international version. This entire chapter is a prophecy of the great apostasy foretold by christ himself and by paul, peter and john. Fifth, peter is instructing the christian about submission to authority in the context of suffering for the sake of godly conduct. The acceptableness with god of suffering for conscience sake, 1 peter 2. The letter teaches, for example, that christ is the stone rejected by the builder 2. Live the gospel in your life, so that you can speak in with your lips. A husband will see that his wife behaves better because she is a christian. She should respect and obey her husband, even if he still does not obey god.
The author presents himself as peter the apostle, and, following catholic tradition, the epistle has been held to have been written during his time as bishop of rome or bishop of antioch, though neither title is used in the epistle. Slavery will, sooner or later, under the influence of the gospel, wholly cease in. The spirit manifested is one of anxiety, severity, and denunciation, white in 1 peter it is one of mildness, sweetness and fatherly dignity. From the beginning, 1 peter was recognized as authoritative and as the work of the apostle peter.
This book was likely written in the early 60s, and the second book attributed to peter was probably written a few years later. Pratte for other free bible commentary study notes, please visit. Peter seems to have had a liking for that word precious. In this way, then, the whole order of events from the least detail unto the greatest operates under the determining decree of god so as to take place according to his sovereign purpose. Study 1 peter 2 using matthew henrys bible commentary concise to better. Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking, as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the lord is gracious. Read commentary on this popular bible verse and understand the real meaning behind gods word using john gills exposition.
Yet most people today have never heard of john gill. Some have said that peter didnt write this letter because the subject and style is somewhat different than 1 peter. That the apostle peter is the author of 1 peter however, is certain. You can find the best commentary on 1 peter for you using the tools on the right side. Act as free men, and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bondslaves of god 1 peter 2. William moorehead said, the second epistle of peter comes to us with less historical support of its genuineness than any other book of the new testament. Glance through 1 peter again to see how often these are mentioned. Peter himself, must have been attempting to imitate of set purpose the opening salutation of the first epistle.
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